Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Story of Swangirl

I don't know exactly why I'm writing this. Only two people read my blog and they know me by another name. I guess I just want my story out there. Some of what I'm about to tell you is fiction some of it fact. All of it from the mind of a writer wanting to live out a story and hoping that this will help her do just that.
This is the story of Swangirl:
Should I start with my appearance? I think I will. I am probably somewhere between 5'4 and 5'5. I have light blonde hair, slightly tanned skin, and bright green eyes. I will avoid talking about my size except to say that I fall between a 4 and a 6. I have a southern ladies attitude and an accent to match. I will say now that I do not consider myself unattractive but I am nothing special. I posses no attributes which I pride myself on except, perhaps, my lips. They're full and rose colored and are completely my own, not inherited from anyone.
I don't want to talk much about my life at home, just the basics. I'm an only child living with my mother and father in a comfortable house in an unexciting neighborhood. I have two big, black female dogs, Charlie(3 yrs.) and Lola(20 months).
Now my interests. I like to write more than I like to read but every so often I come across a book I can get very into. As for music I'm very into country, rock, and sometimes even that heavy metal which the rest of my friends think is crap. I can give you a list of my favorites like they put on surveys and profiles.
Food: anything Mexican and spicy
Movie: Kingdom of Heaven
Song: Waivers depending on my mood
Band: Love and Theft
Actor/Actress: Dane Cook (if he counts)
Book: The Luxe
Hobbies: Sports(watching and playing), sleeping, hanging out with friends(the most common hobby of all), playing video games, running with my dogs and dancing(not like ballet, just dancing).
That's pretty much it for interests. Obviously, unless you are an absolute idiot, you realize my name is not in fact Swangirl. I'm not going to tell you where this identity came from. I will tell you, however, has nothing to with the bird. I'm not going to tell you either why I have come up with this fake identity. The only time it will ever be any of your concern is if you get an e-mail from swangirl begining with the phrase "I have a secret". Then you sould be concerned...