Friday, February 29, 2008

Why I Hate You *Bob*

It's not fair!!! Why is it not possible for me to stay made at anybody? Even him!!! I hate you Bob. I hate you because it's imposable for me to hate you. It's imposable for me to stay mad at you and you know that. Why can't you just stay mad at me? Is that too much to ask?! You get mad at me so easily but get over it twice as easily and it's driving me to MADNESS!!!! And don't say I was already there because I was only teetering on the brink before you came along! It seems like I wouldn't complain about something like this, but it's soooo irritating. One minute you're so nasty to me that my greatest desire is to see you drop dead, the next you're so sweet it's like nothing ever happened and you change so quick, I don't even have time to remember I'm supposed to be angry. I honestly think you know this and you're doing this on purpose. But I'll tell you something you don't know...
You are being played like a fiddle by that girl you think you're so in love with and you deserve every bit of it! Everybody tried and is still trying to warn you and you don't believe them because you're so blind-sided by what you think is love. Love, HA! She doesn't love you, and whenever you finally realize that I hope I'm there. I hope I'm there to see her put you through what you put me through. You obviously thought you could have it all but you can't. And what's worse, once you find out you can't have it all, it'll be too late to go back, and you'll have nothing! And it's exactly what you deserve.
So why do I worry about you? You don't deserve my pity and you don't deserve my concern, yet you have both. Even after all the lies, all the nasty words, all the burning tears...I still care. And so do you. I've always known that, truly, the only person you've lied to about that is yourself. I even heard you admit it on accident. You still care about me and you still want to be close to me, but you want her too and she's definitely easier. That's fine, you'll see through your mistakes soon enough but by the time you do, I'll be gone and you'll be left to deal with the mess.
Yes I care about you, yes I'm sorry for you, yes I worry about you, and yes I love you. And it is for all these reasons that yes, I hate you!